Reality Review

I came across this film whilst searching for:

  1. A recent film 
  2. A rentable film
  3. A good film

A film meeting these criteria's should be easy to find but, no. Having stopped subscribing to any of the subscription services, it is becoming apparent how so many films are hiding on and sometimes moving between different subscription services. Or even more frustratingly,  just not available to rent.  Each hour-long search for a film to watch is taking me one step closer to buying a DVD player or opening a BlockBuster franchise. Anyway back to the film,  Reality was on BFI best films of 2023 at number 38 and I was able to rent, so in the context of so many films being unavailable or having to solve cross reference a million sites to see if and where (and at what cost) I decided that this was enough.


House and Reality under investigation in Reality   (MAX Youtube)

Is the story of NSA(National Security Agency) translator Reality Winner (yes those capitals suggest that's her name) being investigated by the FBI for leaking information. The entire film bar the odd short flashbacks, is the 2 or 3 hours the FBI spent talking to Reality whilst searching her house. All the dialogue from the film is purportedly taken from the recorded FBI transcript.  As what she has apparently done is slowly revealed, through questioning and new information being presented, the tension increases, though it's not exactly edge of your seat stuff. There's an uneasy claustrophobic atmosphere, giving you the impression that Reality is literally cornered by these seemingly cordial, seemingly reasonable, FBI agents. 

The film was originally a play and like nearly all plays that later become films, not enough is changed to make it work as a film. It still feels like a play. There's an interestingness to the limitation placed on by sticking to the transcript for dialogue, but is it that interesting? I’m not so sure.  

As I wasn’t bowled over by this film, I checked some of the many positive reviews to see if I was missing something. Despite mostly agreeing with aspects they liked, it seems what separates me from the reviewers who listed this in their top films of 2023, was that they seem to think Russian interference in the 2016 election is the primary reason why Hillary Clinton lost to Donald Trump. Maybe I'm naive but a campaign that addressed issues people face would have had a more significant effect on the election than the behaviour of misinformation bots. 

That said, I wasn't familiar with this story and perhaps knowing about it beforehand actually adds to the film? As in, perhaps the real life story and how it was perceived already set the stage for the film and with no knowledge of it, I was left not fully clued in. Perhaps!

If I remember correctly, there's also these bizarre flashbacks that show Reality (played by Sydeny Sweeney) next to the post box where she posted the information to The Intercept. But it's done in such a way that it feels like a media studies project. Opacity coming and going, I guess to show it’s a memory.. Reality breaks the fourth wall, staring into the camera …music a little too loud. These stand out even more as these are kind of the breakaway, release moments from the intense interrogation but instead of feeling empathetic for her in the decision, I just wanted it to go back to the safety of the interrogation!

fbi closing inFBI Closing in. Reality 2023 (MAX Youtube)

Perhaps, perhaps, perhaps.

To summarise an interesting concept but sadly maybe not as interesting as reading an article/book on the subject. There's enjoyable aspects but maybe due to sticking to the transcript these couldn't be deepened or expanded upon. 

I feel like this would work better if it was shortened to a TV series that showed how various Whistleblowers have been treated by their own governments. With an emphasis on what happened to those facilitating or committing the actual crimes (spoiler they all get away with it) would result in a much more complete, insightful piece. Tho, again, to Americans who already knew the story it may be fine as it is. Context is key to a response to a movie and maybe I just lacked the context to appreciate this fully. Maybe.


This is an odd one, as most of the films strengths are also apparent weaknesses.

400   A film sympathetic to whistleblowers

100   All words coming from the audio recording from the day

50     At 82 minutes it at no point drags.

50     Its almost in real time pace, which allows you to feel more in the scene than if time jumped all over the place. 

-25   Feels like a play. When people make a film based on a play, they should make it seems like a film. Otherwise you end up thinking "I'd like to have seen this on stage"

-25   Could they have gone longer and added more? More backstory for each character?.. Could have leaned more into the real time sense, so you sit in scenes even more .

-50   Sticking to the script limited where they could have gone with this. I understand the appeal of keeping it true to the recording. But its limiting. The film is a dramatisation anyway with each actor bringing something different to their roles.  Cant help but think theres a better film with an original script. 

500 OUT OF 1000

 Half something. Interesting enough to watch but... Yeah, Its not going to change your life.