Let It Be - 10 Things #30
Here is 10 Things number 30! The usual collection of (hopefully) funny, (hopefully) interesting and (hopefully) enjoyable bits, found (mostly) #online over the last week or so. So in order of no significance, heres...
1. Kermit as David Byrne
2. Not sure what stage of 'content' this is... content in its final form? Big fan of the kids 'saving mum from dad' jacket.
3. There are moves and then there are moves
4. What are you giving up for lent?
5. I'm going to give up watching this video for lent. Believe its been on 10 Things before, but somethings are worth experiencing a few times.
6. If you try hard at what you do all your wishes can come true
7. Regretfully, put off listening to this informative and interesting podcast about the Iraq wars for two years because it started with someone clearing their throat.
8. If the replies to this tweet is bullying maybe some bullying is ok?
9. Don't know how it aint hit Ray
10. CoExIsT